Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday - Reflection Day

May is coming to a close and the weekend weather is looking beautiful. Time to get a little physical activity in today. A good plan. The week went by really fast - being a short work week and all. I began the week hoping to drop a few but I don't think that panned out so the struggle continues and my appetite does not wane. I will be looking next week to get come control over my appetite and increase my will power.
I purchased some new cosmetic products which I used consistently this week and so far they seem to work quite nicely. The Garnier Ultra-Lift Pro and the Loreal Collagen filler. I have been using both all week and I am not unhappy with the results - I think they they have helped smooth the lines around the mouth.
So as I reflect upon the week I know that I have not done everything that I need to do to make my weight loss goals happen and as the weeks fly by I have become somewhat discouraged. Time to improve the outcome - really!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sunny Day - Saturday

The day began with a little rain and now it is sunny and very pleasant, I am guessing that I should shake my booty and get outside before it gets miserable again. I have been playing around with the blog this morning - restyling and rethinking. I am trying to determine what it will become. I think I have decided to put some effort in and make a go of it. Lately I have not been feeling too good but I think mostly it has been the effects the chaos in world around me. So I am tightening up the wallet and hopefully tightening my belt and moving forward. I am cerainly coping much better than I was 2 months ago. I have decided that I need some daily goals and I don't think these need to be huge - just small easy accomplishments. Today - I am going to go for a brisk walk- I am going to do this now - so I can say - goal accomplished!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dieting 101 - Restarting

Monday is always a good day to start new things- so I am planning today to set myself up for success. It pays to be positive in this process because negativity is quite overwhelming and ekes into all other daily activities.
Monday is a workday - so planning is essential for diet success. I think the weather will be good so I need to concentrate on exercise to help me to achieve any weight loss goals that I have. That means walking and convincing myself to go to the gym. I love food, I love wine and spirits - does that make me bad? I guess I need to make compromises.
The food and drink - they make me thick. I was not born with the good high energy skinny genes. Oops- too bad. Harder work here and hormones are not helping any. So - whats next - Monday diet plan =-
  • Drink Water - 6 glasses
  • The other white meat for dinner
  • Lunch - salad -tuna
  • breakfast -cereal
  • Tracking on

Friday, March 13, 2009

Time to try again

I am having no luck with dieting these days. I truly believe my metabolism is shot. Help!. I even tried Hypnosis tapes. Didn't do anything yet - maybe the effects are waiting to kick in. It has been a long rough winter - lots of money down the drain and no success with dieting and exercise - I think what is needed is some sunshine. I am feeling pretty optimistic this week. Just got back from Vegas - it was great. So - I am ready to get back to regular blogging - see if this helps. (although it didn't the first time) Hoping to get some ideas. Do you have any weight loss secrets that you care to share? Let me know.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Year- New Goals- diet style

Ok - so it's that time of year again when resolutions come to be. And it s also time to join the national body challenge - why not- right . I will attempt to exercise 30 minutes everyday and use the tools that they offer to plan and execute a healthy diet. So - I begin tomorrow - Monday and will follow till the end of the program. Good intentions- Hope the weather gets a little better so that I can walk to work. That will amount to about 20 minutes of exercise- but what I really need to do is start going to the gym. Lets see what happens.