Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday -a new week begins

The pace remains extremely slow. I weighed-in this morning and I am down one one pound. Again, better than up one - right? So it goes- slow slow slow. Today will begin my two cup of oolong tea a day - I wonder if this will make any difference at all. Did go to the gym both Saturday and Sunday- Saturday I used the recumbent bike for 30 minutes and Sunday I used the same bike for 10 minutes and then did a circuit on the weight machines. This was definitely more enjoyable than the bike alone, as it added some variety and challenge.
So I start my Monday again with this weeks goals - which are often shot to hell by Thursday.
1) Track my meals and count my points
2) Drink at least 2 cups oolong tea a day
3) Walk to work and home if not raining
4) Bring lunch to work every day
5) Use the stairs instead of the elevator
Wish me good luck for week four.

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