Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weight loss - diet blogging for the joy of it

I must admit - I am very excited. My Diet Blog is finally listing in the search results. I just needed to be patient which I was not. I was beginning to lose interest. So now back to diet blogging for the joy of it and dieting and exercise to achieve results. I did not follow all the goals that were set out for the week - but tomorrow is another day. I have some new and improved enthusiasm for the process.
For the last two days I have had some pain in my kidney area- and am drinking cranberry water to clean out my system. I don't know what is causing it - maybe too much protein. I am using unsweetened cranberry extract that can be purchased in the health food store and mix it in a bottle of Perrier water. The pain is subtle but noticeable but is not hindering my mobility - so I will go outside today to a street fair (I think there is one on Madison Avenue) and walk walk walk. I am ready to begin in earnest now - and I am ready for results. rah -rah - rah!

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